We’ve all been there. You want to get in touch with a company – perhaps to find out more about an offer they have, maybe an update on your job application or even simply just to find out when that delivery you’re patiently waiting on will arrive.

For a lot of people, this kind of thing will simply mean a phone call to the customer service team and a quick conversation. But for deaf people, it’s not always as straightforward.

Despite the great strides made in recognising the importance of accessibility, more still needs to be done to bridge the gap between this acknowledgement and actual implementation.

That’s why the new partnership between SignLive and SP Energy Networks is so important. At SignLive, we use cutting-edge video technology to offer British Sign Language (BSL) interpreting on demand.

This new partnership means the energy network provider will ensure customers who are deaf or hard of hearing can now connect with its teams through a qualified BSL interpreter, in addition to its 24 hour text relay service. The new service offering provides a more personalised and effective communication method for SP Energy Networks’ customers.

A Video Relay Service (VRS) allows BSL users to make video calls via their phone or tablet and a BSL interpreter will then provide a two-way translation to facilitate a call with the customer service team, with text also available on the video call.

The SignLive service makes it easier than ever for people who are deaf or heard of hearing to access SP Energy Networks’ services, including the Priority Services Register (PSR). The PSR provides tailored services for people who may require a little extra support and includes the likes of proactive and ongoing contact during a known power cut and a dedicated welfare line during periods of storms.

Our partnership with SP Energy Networks comes as recent findings reveal that there are 11 million people who are deaf or hard of hearing and over 150,000 BSL users in the UK. This underlines the importance of ensuring services are accessible as standard across different businesses and industries.

Until now, many individuals have faced a number of barriers when interacting with organisations. Fortunately, with the continuous evolution of technology, we now have the capability to make things so much better.

As technology advances and new tools enter the market, ensuring customers benefit from this requires a concerted effort from organisations across all sectors. It is not a one-time checklist item; it's an ever-evolving process. What may be considered accessible today may not meet the needs of tomorrow. Therefore, it's imperative that organisations commit to ongoing evaluation and improvement.

By doing so, businesses ensure no customer is left behind and tasks that many take for granted aren’t forgotten about. Whether that’s as important as getting updates on a power cut or even if it’s as simple as checking on your latest online delivery order!

Steph Lotz is Director of Customer Success at SignLive For more information, contact SignLive on 0330 822 0288 or via email at access@signlive.co.uk

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